
to thedzy.com site

So what is this?

This started as a remodelling of my old site, which I desperately did not like. I tried using Github pages for my old site and it was a disaster. At the time I thought it sounded "cool", and that it being Github, I could reference my Github content. Crazy huh? ...No. Not how that works.

Just knowing it existed and that people might consider it a reflection of my HTML, CSS, and Web design skills bothered me. It had to go. More sooner, less later.

Turns out, the Jekyll framework is neat but unwieldy, cannot reuse your github content, is incredibly cumbersome and is time consuming to maintain.

Cue up this Django website hosted in AWS on Elastic Beanstalk, and version controlled. All the data is either in the RDS Database or pulled dynamically from the web. No more updates, easy maintenance, cloud hosted. Perfect.

With the exception of the Bootstrap framework and its icons, everything is my own work. A lot has changed since IE5 and Netscape Navigator! (That's not a joke, it's the last time I have done this.)

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