About Me

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I am a Systems Engineer with focus on desktop and cloud management and a background in programming.

I have practical experience in managing users and resources in AWS and GCP and class training in Azure.

For desktop management I am fluent in Jamf but I am perfectly comfortable with Munki. More importantly, I am just as comfortable in changing technologies again.

The technology world changes fast - and that is just between Monday and Friday. I think the best skill you can have is flexibility. Combine that with some transferable skills and you are equipped for the next Monday.

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macOS Management

With ~20 years of macOS/Mac OS X experience, I have grown and evolved with the OS' change through the years. From OS 9 to the introduction of OS X, and now finally, OS 11.

I have seen the transition from thick imaging, to thin imaging to now zero touch with DEP and VPP

I have been apart of each aspect and embraced the changed for the advantages that they bring

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Cloud Services

The future is Cloud infrastructure. It allows companies to instantly add and new servers and scale up, or just as easily, scale down

In order to have the infrastructure, you need someone to manage that

I can manage AWS, and GCP with in-class training in Azure. I have practical experience managing IAM and resources within the cloud.

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I am the laziest engineer. If I can automate it, set up some monitoring and let it tell me when it has a problem, then SIGN.. ME.. UP!

I don't believe in solving technology with humans. If you can put some code in there and bridge the gap, then you will get faster, more consistent results.

Automate away the problems and use your time to solve new problems.

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I started my education in programming on Windows with C, C++ and the intro of C#.

Long before that, I cut my teeth with BASIC on the Commodore 64 and a 286. From there I never lost the passion for code and the creative outlet it provides.

Fortunately, now I can expand what I am able to accomplish by using code to automate and integrate systems ...and sometimes, just for fun.

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