Github Repos

A list of repos current available on my GitHub account

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Public Repos: 37
Python 100 Prisoner Problem: The 100 prisoners problem Python Playground: My Playgrounds (python) PowerShell Playground Powershell: My Playgrounds (powershell) PowerShell Powershell: Snippets of code for larger bodies of code Python Python: Samples of Python code Shell Shell: Snippets of code for larger bodies of code Python Blockchain Class: A very simple blockchain Python Boggle Solver: Solves a boggle puzzle by getting all the words Python Clone Dir With Hardlinks: Clone directory with hardlinks Python Connect Four: A traditional connect four of connect 4 game game. Python Convert Image To Ascii: Convert image to ASCII art Python Convert Image To Icns File: Convert an image to Apple icns format Python Crypto Puzzle: A traditional cryptogram puzzle game. PowerShell Defaultsearch: Set Cortana to use your default browser and your choice of search engine Python Embed File In A Script: Create a script that will embed and extract a file Python Generate Random Documents: Generate random documents Go Go Jt: Json to tree view (go version) Go Go Titles: Create large titles in your terminal/console, faster Go Goprogress: Progress bars for Go Python Hangman: A classic hangman game Python Jamf Change Monitor: Jamf Change Monitor Python Jamf Classes: Jamf classes to interface with the API Python Jamf Theme: Theme your Jamf with a colour shift Python Jt: Json to tree view (python version) Shell Macos App Updater: Update and app from url Python Maze Solver: Create and solve a maze or mazes Shell My One Page Argument For Learning To Code: My one page argument for learning to code Python Network Test: python network tests Python Plist Preferences Class: An easy way to access, store and save preference files Python Pycharm Templates: My pycharm templates using Apache Velocity Python Pythonista: Code created through pythonista Python Recaman Sequence: Recamán's sequence of numbers visualised with turtle Python Run Your Script As An Application: You can use these shell applications to host and run your script as if it where an application. CSS Thedzy.Github.Io: Former using Jekyll Python Titles: Create large titles in your terminal/console Python Turtle Filesystem: Create visual of a folder or drive Go Unscramble: unscramble letters into new words
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