
Jamf classes to interface with the API



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    Jamf classes to interface with the API

Jamf API Classes

class JamfClassic

An interface to the classic API

JamfClassic interacts with the classic API of Jamf


api = jamf.JamfClassic(url, username, password, timeout=180, verify=True, disable_warnings=False)
# Accessing .../JSSResource/computers/id/100
api_data = api.get_data('computers', 'id', 100)
if api_data.success:


jamf.JamfClassic(url, username, password, timeout=180, verify=True, disable_warnings=False) as api:
    # Accessing .../JSSResource/computers/id/100
    api_data = api.get_data('computers', 'id', 100)
    if api_data.success:

See: example.py

class JamfClassic:
    JamfClassic interacts with the classic API of Jamf

    def __init__(self, api_url, username, password, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialisation method
        :param api_url: (str) url of the api
        :param username: (str) username
        :param password: (str) password
        :param kwargs: (dict) timeout, verify, disable_warnings

    def timeout(self, timeout=None):
        Set or retrieve the timeout
        :param timeout: (int) new value or (None) to remain
        :return: (int) Current/new setting

    def verify_ssl(self, verify=None):
        Set or retrieve whether to verify teh SSL certificate
        :param verify: (bool) new value or (None) to remain
        :return: (bool) Current/new setting

    def disable_warnings():
        Disable warnings for ssl verify
        Making unverified HTTPS requests is strongly discouraged, however,
        if you understand the risks and wish to disable these warnings, you can use disable_warnings()
        :return: (void)

    def get_data(self, *objects, **kwargs):
        GET from the api
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /JSSResource/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: None

    def del_data(self, *objects, **kwargs):
        DELETE to the api
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /JSSResource/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: None

    def put_data(self, data, *objects, **kwargs):
        PUT to the api
        :param data: (dict) data to post
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /JSSResource/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: None

    def post_data(self, data, *objects, **kwargs):
        POST to the api
        :param data: (dict) data to post
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /JSSResource/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: None

class JamfUAPI

An interface to the universal API

JamfUAPI interacts with the universal API of Jamf


api = jamf.JamfUAPI(url, username, password, timeout=180, verify=True, disable_warnings=False)
# Accessing .../upai/v1/scripts/id/100
api_data = api.get_data('v1', 'scripts', 'id', 100)
if api_data.success:


with jamf.JamfUAPI(url, username, password, timeout=180, verify=True, disable_warnings=False) as api:
    # Accessing .../upai/v1/scripts/id/100
    api_data = api.get_data('v1', 'scripts', 'id', 100)
    if api_data.success:

See: example.py

class JamfUAPI:
    JAMFUAPI interacts with the universal API of Jamf

    def __init__(self, api_url, username, password, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialisation method
        :param api_url: (str) url of the api
        :param username: (str) username
        :param password: (str) password
        :param args: (list)
        :param kwargs: (dict) timeout, verify, disable_warnings

    def renew_token(self):
        Renew the login token
        :return: (APIResponse)

    def timeout(self, timeout=None):
        Set or retrieve the timeout
        :param timeout: (int) new value or (None) to remain
        :return: (int) Current/new setting

    def verify_ssl(self, verify=None):
        Set or retrieve whether to verify teh SSL certificate
        :param verify: (bool) new value or (None) to remain
        :return: (bool) Current/new setting

    def disable_warnings():
        Disable warnings for ssl verify
        Making unverified HTTPS requests is strongly discouraged, however,
        if you understand the risks and wish to disable these warnings, you can use disable_warnings()
        :return: (bool) Current/new setting

    def get_login(self):
        Get login information
        :return: (APIResponse)

    def get_data(self, *objects, **kwargs):
        GET from the api
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /uapi/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: (dict) options ex: sort=asc
        :return: (APIResponse)

    def del_data(self, *objects, **kwargs):
        DELETE from the api
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /uapi/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: (dict) options ex: sort=asc
        :return: (APIResponse)

    def put_data(self, data, *objects, **kwargs):
        PUT to the api
        :param data: (dict) data to post
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /uapi/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: (dict) options ex: sort=asc
        :return: (APIResponse)

    def post_data(self, data, *objects, **kwargs):
        POST to the api
        :param data: (dict) data to post
        :param objects: (list) of objects ex. /uapi/computer/id/0 = ['computer', 'id', 0]
        :param kwargs: (dict) options ex: sort=asc
        :return: (APIResponse)

class APIResponse

The response returned from the JamfClassic and JamfUAPI Classes

APIResponse contains the url, response, http code and error of the request

Interaction with this class is done with the data returned. See: example.py

class APIResponse:
    Data object containing data of the query
    :property success: (bool) success of the call
    :property url: (str) url that was called
    :property response: (str, json) depending on the success
    :property http_code: (int) http code returned
    :property err: (str) Error if exception

    def success(self, success=None):
        :param success: Set or retrieve property success
        :return: (bool) Current/new setting

    def response(self, response=None):
        :param response: Set or retrieve property response
        :return: (int) Current/new setting

    def http_code(self, http_code=None):
        :param http_code: Set or retrieve property http_code
        :return: (int) Current/new setting

    def err(self, err=None):
        :param err: Set or retrieve property err
        :return: (int) Current/new setting
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